Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage

    The Historical Markers Map is a web app that shows the location of extant historical markers that have been installed by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines and its predecessor agencies. Each historical marker is represented by a map marker that when clicked provides more information about the historical marker, including a photo of the marker and its inscription. This web app is part of the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage, a program of the Wiki Society of the Philippines.

    Technical details

    The data on these historical markers is dynamically retrieved from Wikidata and the photographs are stored in Wikimedia Commons, both of which are sister projects of Wikipedia. If you want to help add and improve the data, please refer to this WikiProject page.

    If you are familiar with the Wikidata Query Service and want to obtain or explore the raw data, please refer to this query.

    To report bugs, suggest improvements, or see the source code of this web app, please refer to this GitHub repository.